REPLIKA predstavlja več zaključenih serij fotografa Bojana Radoviča, ki z združitvijo v neke vrste "srednjekarierno" retrospektivo doživljajo nove intervencije z namenom razširiti medij fotografije na objekt. Razstavi bodo dodana tudi nova dela (2021‒2022), ki bodo izhajala iz osnovne teme Replika.
Bojan Radovič (1960) je slovenski fotograf srednje generacije, ki je v svoji karieri pogosto razstavljal doma in v tujini, nismo pa še imeli priložnosti videti njegove obsežnejše samostojne razstave. Na tokratni postavitvi bo pojav "replike" obravnavan v več samostojnih projektih, v vsebinski (repliciranje objekta/predmeta) in vizualni obliki (repliciranje motiva/zgodbe). Ob razstavi je izšla tudi monografija. THE REPLICA represents several completed series by the photographer Bojan Radovič, which, by merging into a kind of "mid-career" retrospective, experience new interventions with the aim of expanding the medium of photography to the object. New works will also be added to the exhibition (2021‒2022), which will be based on the basic theme of Replica.
Bojan Radovič (1960) is a Slovenian photographer of the middle generation, who in his career often exhibited at home and abroad, but we have not yet had the opportunity to see his larger solo exhibition. At this presentation, the phenomenon of "replica" will be discussed in several independent projects, in terms of content (replicating an object/subject) and visual form (replicating a motif/story). A monograph was also published in conjunction with the exhibition. |